I applaud your suggestion!
I would add a refinement or two: (a) that predoctoral internships be separated
from postdoctoral ones, since the former is required for clinical psych (etc.)
doctorates, (b) that the internships be flagged as to whether they are
APA-approved (relevant for state licensing, etc.), and, at least later on, (c)
whether these same internships meet the minimum standard of being research
oriented (as is now being discussed by APS and Section 3 (Society for the
Science of Clinical Psychology) of Division 12 (Division of Clinical
Psychology) of APA.
From: IN%"pcp@mailbase.ac.uk" 9-MAR-1995 22:48:18.39
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Date: Thu, 09 Mar 1995 23:45:20 -0600
From: neimeyerra@msuvx1.memphis.edu (R. A. Neimeyer, U of Memphis)
Subject: Training Directory in PCT
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Galvanized into action by the request of Tim Conner and a number of new
participants in this forum, I'd like to suggest a group project in which a
majority of network participants could participate. Specifically, it would
seem beneficial to put together a current and comprehensive list of
training sites and services in PCT to make available to undergraduates,
graduate students, and professionals in various disciplines interested in
learning more about personal construct concepts, methods, and applications.
For more years than I like to count we have fielded these questions
informally, with responses like, "You might give Al Landfield a call at
Nebraska," or "David Winter probably knows about training seminars on
repgrids in the UK," or "Beverly Walker seems to have her finger on the
pulse of PCT workshops and training sites in Australia." While I value the
personalism of such responses, I often find myself wishing for some more
specific set of program descriptions, locations, contact persons,
addresses, phone/fax numbers, and e-mail addresses to share with the person
asking for assistance.
Thus, let me propose the following, explicitly inviting improvements in the
basic idea by anyone who can suggest them. Those of us who know of
training programs of any kind that are regularly available (e.g., graduate
programs) or offered on a one-time basis (e.g., conference workshops) might
post a brief, 50 word description with full info on a contact person or
persons to the network. Then one of us (maybe one of the four main
newsletter editors, or me, as a "default option") could take the
responsibility for downloading and formatting these for electronic or
hard-copy distribution to interested parties upon request. While some
training opportunities may clearly be of local or national interest, I have
often been struck by how often eager students or established professionals
seek such training across national boundaries. I personally have several
such contacts per year, resulting in valued mentoring or collaborative
relationships with constructivists who come to Memphis (of all places!) to
work for a few weeks to a full year, from countries as far flung as
Colombia, New Zealand, Germany, Mexico, Spain, and Austraia. So I suspect
that an International Training Directory in PCP would have more than local
With apologies for any cultural ethnocentrism implied in this set of
categories, we might organize opportunities under such headings as:
1. Workshops
2. Conferences
3. Home-study courses
4. Undergraduate (college) programs (with at least one PCT mentor)
5. Graduate (e.g., Masters or Ph.D.) programs (with a PCT mentor or orientation)
6. Internships (post-doctoral training; in the US these are required for
Clinical and
Counseling psychology).
7. Training institutes
8. Hospital settings
9. Other alternatives
There is nothing sacrosanct about this category list, so feel free to
innovate or fill in obvious omissions.
I suppose a logical procedure would be first to see if there is anyone out
there who would like to organize such a list, and who might serve as the
person who will collate, organize, and format submissions, in other words,
edit the directory. Second, when such a person is identified, she or he
might prompt us to begin sending brief program descriptions in some fairly
standardized format (the above ideas are only suggestions). Finally, when
these are assembled (and to make the list truly comprehensive may require
some snail mail correspondence with relevant colleagues who are not yet
on-line), the "editor" can announce the availability of the directory here
and elsewhere (in the Journal, regional newsletters, etc.). While the
directory ideally would be made available at no charge, a nominal fee
might be justified if the editor does not have institutional resources to
support any necessary copying and mailing costs.
That's my basic idea. I invite responses and discussion (and action!),
with the goal of pooling the considerable talent embodied in this theory
group and offering it to interested others in a more coherent and helpful
form than has previously been available. Thanks.
Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
(901) 678-4680
FAX (901) 678-2579