As some of you may know by now, we are attepting to revive the old Personal
Construct Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse has in the past provided an
nannual review of recent publications in Personal Construct Theory. This
compilation provided a forum which helped keep everyone who was interested in
PCT abreast of the latest developments. The new Clearinghouse will continue
to fulfill the need to facilitate communication about publications in
Personal Construct Theory. However, we also hope to expand its usefulness
beyond what was practical before. This will include expanding the scope of
coverage, the type of information contained, and the manner of distribution.
Previously, the Clearinghouse information was gathered through a series of
personal contacts, contained limited information, and required each
subscriber to purchase a hard copy. Each edition only contained citations
published during that particular year. The new Clearinghouse will reflect
some of the changes in technology that have taken place in recent years. The
information in the Clearinghouse will be published in a variety of formats,
including hard copy, diskettes, and in searchable form on-line. In addition
to a reference, this search will yield an abstract and a listing of locations
where copies may be found for most citations.
In addition to a baseline comprising all past editions of the Clearinghouse,
we are currently running several computer searches to identify any past
references that may have been missed. However, about 20 percent of the
indformation will still be missed by this process. This is especially true
of publications before 1980. Additional sources of information will be
needed to fill this gap.
We need your help. If you have published (not "in press") any books,
articles, or other material relevant to Personal Construct Theory or a
related area, such as Constructivism or Social Constructionism, please send
a copy of your vita. Please put a check mark next to all publications
relating to PCT or related areas. We will include this information in the
new Clearinghouse. In addition, if you could include your current address,
telephone number, and electronic mail address, it would be most helpful.
Thank you,
April Metzler
Franz Epting
Larry Leitner
Send all materials to: Direct inquiries to:
April Metzler Telephone: (610) 758-6093
Lehigh University Facsimile: (610) 758-6223
College of Education Internet:
Mountaintop Campus
111 Research Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18015-4792 USA