>Psychology Dept
>University of Durham
>South Road
>DH1 3LE
Here are the essential details:
Yorke, M. (1987) "The intolerable wrestle: Words, numbers and meanings" and
Adams-Webber, J. (1987). "Personal contruct methodology: State of the art".
Seventh International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology, Rhodes
College, Memphis [videotape production. Columbia, SC: Educational
Television of South Carolina, 1988: Program # 110].
Yorke, M. (1989) The intolerable wrestle: Words, numbers and meanings
International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology, 2, 65-76.
Adams-Webber, J. (1989). Some reflections on the 'meaning' of repertory
grid responses. International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology, 2,
followed by Yorkes' reply to Adams-Webber (same issue)
Jack Adams-Webber Tel: 905 (688) 5544 [x 3714]
Department of Psychology Fax: 905 (688) 6922
Brock University E-mail: jadams@spartan.ac.brocku.ca
St. Catharines, Ontario