> Hello,
> Stephen Soldz and I are involved in a study using the rep grid to
> assess change in constructs during psychotherapy. One of the aspects we
> want to look at are people's constructs regarding decision making and/or
> personal change. Has anyone done this type of work before? If so, what
> elements did you use and what types of constructs emerged?
> I was initially thinking of asking people to list important transitions
> in their lives, filter out those that were self-initiated, and use these
> as the elements in a grid.
> Any feedback/pointers to existing literature would be appreciated.
> Eva
> -------------
> Eva Hudlicka, PhD
> BBN Labs
> 10 Moulton St.
> Cambridge, MA 02138
> ehudlicka@bbn.com
Hi, Eva:
Have you seen the latest issue of Jrnl of Constructivist
Psychology? There is a comprehensive article on alternatives to
traditional rep grids for _dispositional assessment_ by Larry Leitner.
The article details techniques such as the pyramid procedure (Landfield,
1971) laddering (Hinkle, 1965), the interview (Leitner, 1985) which includes
the client's 1) earliest memories; 2) the tombstone technique -- "What would
your epitaph look like?"; 3) the respondent's conception of God; 4) Kelly's
(1955) milepost dream and also the the self-characterization sketch.
These techniques seem like powerful ways to "get inside" a person's
preferred mode/s of viewing themselves and the world. My personal
opinion is that such techniques offer a lot more than "traditional"
self and others as elements repertory grids because the other methods
are not limited to the row/column format of the former. Consequently
they are harder to elicit, interpret and compare. Perhaps pre/post
maps of some of the above techniques would make for interesting
analysis. Good luck. Keep us informed. Hemant Desai