I might have very little to add to your discussion -- but, here goes
anyhow. [Besides, perhaps the only reason I am writing this it to remind you
that those of us in the Northern parts of the globe are BEGINNING our gardening
season .... So, there.]
Just to show how far behind the times I have fallen, as I read a series
of articles exploring children's constructions of emotion life, I became aware
that a practice, which seems to make considerable sense, has supplanted our
long-ago practice of reporting "The SES" of the parents of the child
participants in the studies. These researchers reported on "The Prestige
Ratings of the Occupations" of the parents -- makes a great deal of sense. SES
sound to much like an extant, out there thing. Prestige ratings, at least,
express the categorizations in terms of the construct systems of the observers.
I am sure that the reference on this should be available to anyone who
is doing work in this area, but I will include it, in any case.
Hauser, R. M. & Featherman, D. L. (1977). The process of
stratification:" Trends and analysis. NY: Academic Press.
For those of you who might have some concerns about the ways in which
grid use has bastardized PCP, I offer the suggestion that studies of
occupational prestige, using one or another form of a grid, might prove very
useful as a way of explaining why so many young people would rather learn to
play super-amplified guitars, rather than try to understand how to quantify the
results of grids analyses.
Perhaps Greg Neimeyer has some information on how much of this has been
done!!! If anything????
Jim Mancuso