Whoever is using the mailbox <kulis-dfaculty@nova.novanet.org> could you
please clear it? I'm getting the following message, and I suspect other
people using the pcp mailing list must also be getting the same message:
>From: mailer-daemon@nova.novanet.org
>Subject: Returned mail: Recipient's mailbox too full to hold your e-mail.
>-----Transcript of session follows-----
>kulis-dfaculty@nova.novanet.org: Recipient's mailbox too full to hold your
>-----Unsent message follows-----
>From: anima@devi.demon.co.uk
>To: kulis-dfaculty@nova.novanet.org
>Date: Tue, 16 May 95 00:07:00 GMT
I've had this in response to the general mailing intended to put me in
contact with Warren Watson, and in response to a general despatch to the
whole mailing list which was entitled <re: individual differences>.
Or is it me doing something stupid?
Devi Jankowicz