Have you seen (or read) any recently published (1994 or 1995) volumes that
you believe your colleagues in constructivism should know about? I would
be happy to hear (a) of recommendations of recent (or forthcoming) books to
review, (b) from individuals interested in serving as potential reviewers,
or (c) from people offering to review specific volumes.
JCP book reviews follow the general format of those published in
Contemporary Psychology (the APA journal of reviews), in that they are
considered reactions, not just summaries of book contents, are substantial
(4-6 double-spaced pages), and are titled by their authors to facilitate
their citation as scholarly products in their own right. I would be happy
to send a representative review to anyone who would like an example (or
simply consult recent issues of the journal).
P.S. I would also be interested in seeing briefer descriptions (or tables
of contents) of new constructivist volumes posted periodically in this
electronic forum. Any takers?
Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
(901) 678-4680
FAX (901) 678-2579