I've received a small flood of mail as a result of yesterday's call for
book reviews for the Journal of Constructivist Psychology, with suggestions
from mailbase members to review such volumes as Parry's Story Revisions,
Cromwell's new book on Schizophrenia, and Cushman's Constructing the Self.
It is gratifying to see this kind of response, which can be very useful in
alerting the international readership of the journal to relevant
constructivist volumes of which they might otherwise be unaware. With this
in mind, I would be happy to hear from others who would like to author a
4-5 page review of recent volumes you would like to bring to the attention
of your colleagues. If you do not currently have the book, I'd be glad to
write the publisher and asked you be sent a gratis copy for that purpose.
Another category of responses to my invitation was equally interesting.
Specifically, a number of mailbase members expressed interest in learning
about recent constructivist volumes prior to the publication of the reviews
in the journal. This was especially true for respondents who described
themselves as new or recent participants in the mailbase, one of whom asked
for an "archive" of recent titles. Eventually, the Personal Construct
Clearinghouse being organized electronically and in hard copy by April
Metzler at Lehigh University in the states should serve much of this
function, but it might be a service to readers, authors, and even April to
post new titles and descriptions here as they appear in print.
For this reason, I have provided below the Table of Contents of
_Constructivism in Psychotherapy_ (ISBN 1-55798-279-1), which was just
published two weeks ago. At 436 pages it is a fairly large volume, and can
be ordered from the American Psychological Association (APA) at 1 (800)
374-2721 (in North America) or by fax at (202) 336-5502. It lists for
$49.95, ($39.95 for APA members and affiliates). I would be very
interested (as would the mailbase respondents who wrote me) in seeing other
such announcements in this forum. However, as a courtesy to those who
prefer not to read such announcements, I would suggest the use of the term
"optional" in the title of such mailings so that they can be deleted unread
by users who prefer to peruse only more conversational entries to the
Table of Contents for
Edited by
Robert A. Neimeyer, University of Memphis
Michael J. Mahoney, University of North Texas
Washington: APA, 1995
Chapter 1. An invitation to constructivist psychotherapies
Robert A. Neimeyer
Part I: Historical and Conceptual Foundations
Chapter 2. Constructivist psychotherapies: Features, foundations, and
future directions
Robert A. Neimeyer
Chapter 3. The continuing evolution of the cognitive sciences and
Michael J. Mahoney
Chapter 4. Forms and facets of constructivist psychology
William J. Lyddon
Chapter 5. Constructivist psychotherapy: A theoretical framework
Vittorio Guidano
Part II: Personal Change and Reconstruction
Chapter 6. The challenge of change
Greg J. Neimeyer
Chapter 7. Meaning-making and creative aging
Mary Baird Carlsen
Chapter 8. Self observation in constructivist psychotherapy
Vittorio Guidano
Chapter 9. A dialectical constructivist approach to experiential change
Leslie Greenberg and Juan Pascual-Leone
Part III: The Narrative Turn
Chapter 10. Hermeneutics, constructivism, and cognitive-behavioral
therapies: From the object to the project
Oscar Goncalves
Chapter 11. Client-generated narratives in psychotherapy
Robert A. Neimeyer
Chapter 12. From assessment to change: The personal meaning of clinical
problems in the context of self-narrative
Hubert J. M. Hermans
Part IV: Social Systemic Perspectives
Chapter 13. Radical constructivism: Questions and answers
Jay S. Efran & Robert L. Fauber
Chapter 14. Personal constructs in systemic practice
Guillem Feixas
Chapter 15. Termination as a rite of passage:
Questioning strategies for a therapy of inclusion
David Epston & Michael White
Part V: The Challenge of Constructivist Psychotherapy
Chapter 16. Optimal therapeutic distance: A therapist's experience of
construct psychotherapy
L. M. Leitner
Chapter 17. Clinical mythology in working with borderline processes
Stephanie Harter
Chapter 18. The psychological demands of being a constructive psychotherapist
Michael J. Mahoney
Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
(901) 678-4680
FAX (901) 678-2579