ed psych session at AERA? forwarded
27 Jun 1995 14:20:20 -0500
>From: geoffrey.scheurman@uwrf.edu
>Reply-to: EDPSYCH@vaxa.weeg.uiowa.edu
>Subject: Strategies for teaching Educational Psychology
>To: EPLIST: ;
>I am putting together a proposal for AERA 1996 in New York that
>hands-on interaction over constructivist strategies for teaching
>Psychology. The exact format is yet to be determined, but it is
>likely to
>be a session in which participants will travel through several
>engaging in abridged versions of specific strategies, then
>debriefing and
>discussing each strategy before moving on to another. If you are
>in serving as a FACILITATOR at one of these stations -- i.e. if you
>have a
>favorite innovative / constructivist strategy that you use and that
>you would
>like to share -- please e-mail me PERSONALLY (don't clog the
>Listserv) with a
>brief description of your strategy and your professional
>(affiliation, etc.). I intend to screen these and include as many
>as space
>will allow for eventual submission to the Teaching Educational
>Psychology SIG.
>If your strategy is included, this would be a nice (easy) way to
>submit an
>additional proposal to AERA, since selection will effectively mean
>that your
>name is included on this proposal. Please don't take the absence
>immediate reply as a rebuff, as I will be leaving town (and far off
>Superhighway) for the next three weeks plus.
>Geoffrey Scheurman Voice: (715) 425-3157
>Professional Studies & Secondary Ed. Internet:
>University of Wisconsin--River Falls Fax: (715) 425-3242
>River Falls, WI 54022