Just a quick thanks for your letter and for the outstanding conference. I
have a letter on the way to you to ask about your plans to edit a book based
on the proceedings. No rush on that. Have a good holiday.
I have told many people that I predict Barcelona will replace Paris as the
No. 1 tourist attraction for Americans in Europe. Such a friendly,
beautiful place. This makes Rocia, our local clinical graduate student from
Barcelona, very proud.
>IYll be out of town for 4 weeks, but anyhow IYd like to thank all participants
at the
>XIth Intnl. Congress on PCP (Barcelona) for the excellence of their work and
>personal support to us all. If anyone wants to give us feedback concernig
>experience at Barcelona, I'd be delighted. I'll get in touch again in
>In the meantime, thanx again and have a nice summer.
>Luis Botella
>Congress Organizer
Rue L. Cromwell