Call for papers
Wed, 9 Aug 1995 15:23:40 -0400 (EDT)
For those of you who feel like venturing into perhaps unfamiliar
territory (Communication Studies and Memphis, Tennessee), I thought I'd
pass along the following call for papers. For those who may not
know, there's a committed and energetic group of scholars in
Communication Studies doing constructivist research. I would love to see
some submissions from PCP folks outside of Communication Studies.
The Communication Theory Division of the Southern States
Communication Association invites completed papers, extensive abstracts, and
program proposals focusing on communication theory (or theory that may
inform our understanding of communication), as well as investigations and
discussions of communication phenomena that are guided by, extend, or
test theory. Additionally, we welcome empirical research reports, position
papers, and critical literature reviews. Innovative formats are invited.
Papers must be postmarked no later than September 15, 1993. Papers may
not exceed 25 double-spaced, typewritten pages (excluding tables and
references). The text of program proposals and extensive abstracts
should be at least two double-spaced, typewritten pages. The mailing
addresses and telephone numbers of authors or program participants should
be located on the cover sheet with a title and a 50-word abstract. The
first page of the text should include the title and the 50-word
The convention will be held at the Peabody Htel, Memphis, TN, March
27-30, 1996.
Paper panel themes will be determined on the basis of
submissions accepted. All non-student authored papers will considered for a
top-paper panel. The division encourages undergraduates and graduate
students to indicate their student status on the cover sheet, so they may
be considered for the Bostrom Young Scholars Award and Program or the
Undergraduate Honors Conference.
Send four copies of each submission to:
Ted Zorn
Department of Communication Studies
CB# 3285
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Phone: 919/962-4950
Fax: 919/962-3305