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>On Mon, 28 Aug 1995 mmascolo@merrimack.edu wrote:
>> Devorah and Malcolm have commented that much work in PCP is performed
>> using methods that do not derive from PCP. Can you give some examples of
>> this and how you think it is damaging (please, I pose the question to
>> anyone on the list, of course).
>> Mike Mascolo
>In reply to Mike & all (the above read as; "put-up or shut-up") I think
>it is not so much the methods which are a problem (methods are after all,
>just events with meaning overlaid, but more often the interpretations
>(constructions) based upon them and the absence of reflexivity in their
>application which is problematic for KE's (Kellian Essentialists) like
>PCT is subsumming and therefore we may use and understand any method within
>this framework. PCT however requires of the researcher, recourse to, or
>acknowledgement of, the assumption that we work with active construers
>(see Viney 1987 & her discussion of the Mutual Orientation Model of
>Research). This has implications for both methodology and subsequent
>In relation to methodology (and even in the context of PCP's historical
>method of choice - THE GRID) the relationship between method and theory
>has been questioned (see Bell (1988) I.J.P.C.P Vol 1:101-118). In his
>paper Richard examines theory appropriate analysis of rep grid data. It is a
>nuts-&-bolts, mathmatico-deductive discussion, as only Richard
>can provide (his knowledge of numbers has always scared me). This work
>and Mike Mascolo's question (>above) remind me that there are at least two
>fronts upon which we, as Kellian researchers, are open to challenge;
>i) That our methods (structure, procedure, analysis etc..) are rigorous
>and have clear and traceable implicative relationships to the theory.
>ii) That our questions and subsequent interpretations have recourse to
>personal construct notions of personhood.
>Mike, unfortunaltely I can't supply a reference to a shabby piece of work
>which highlights the problems/issues I've mentioned above. In going
>through my filing cabinets it occurs to me that I don't make it my
>habit to collect such things. I know it's a bit of a cop-out, however,
>the sort of stuff I'm thinking about are research questions arising from
>non-Kellian understandings of personhood (some trait or developmental
>phase) which uses methods such as; supplied "constructs" and supplied
>elements to establish facts about people in general, in the absence of
>any reflexive validation of subsequent interpretations (absence of
>attempts to jointly share or co-construct meaning).
>What do you think?
> Cheers malcolm c. cross