NAPCN Membership for 1996
Mon, 16 Oct 95 15:26:06 EST
I am again coordinating membership in the North American Personal
Construct Network (NAPCN). Membership is open to everyone and we
are pleased to have several members who reside outside of North America.
Benefits of membership include receipt of the NAPCN Newsletter and mailings,
discounted registration at NAPCN Conferences (the next to be in Banff,Alberta
on May 29-June 2 1996), and a 1996 subscription to the _Journal of
Constructivist Psychology_. Membership for 1996 is $55 with a reduced fee
for students of $40. Individual subscriptions to _JCP_ will be $80 if ordered
directly from the publisher so this represents a substantial savings.
If interested, please contact me directly at
Dues notices for current NAPCN members were mailed last week so should be
arriving soon.
Reid E. Klion, Ph.D.
Psychology Service (116B)
1481 West Tenth St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 635-7401 x4670