Re: Bill Chambers

Raymond H. Stem II (
Tue, 7 May 1996 13:47:44 -0500

At 12:24 PM 5/7/96 +0000, you wrote:
>Dear PCP members:
>I have removed Bill Chambers from this list. While this might not meet with
>everyones approval I have reached the stage where Bill's blatant
>transgressions of the aims of this list cannot go unanswered. I have also
>set the list so that people may only subscribe through the list owners; in
>others words - Bill will not be able to rejoin.
>Reluctantly, Dave
I have been lurking since I joined this list three or four weeks ago. There
were times I started a reply but erased it before it was sent. I don't know
very much about Personal Construct Psychology yet, but I do know a little
about manners. Sadly, Bill had the order reversed.

Dave, I reluctantly agree with you.

Raymond H. Stem
The University Of North Alabama>
