The Annual General Meeting of this group was held recently and a number of
issues were raised that might be of specific interest to some and more
general interest to others. These include:
That the affiliation with the University of Reading as a Research Group had
been significantly enhanced in support, representation and profile. The
Research Group is active, providing a supportive milieu for people to share
their understanding of personal construct psychology. The community
consists of active participants who are researchers and practioners many of
whom are publishing members. New members or expressions of interest are
very welcome and enquiries should be directed to Bob Sexton on .
For existing members please note that annual subscriptions (=A35) are now
due. In order to update the Membership list to current members only,
lapsed members will no longer receive further information.
There is an urgent need to set up a PCP Resource Centre with a Departmental
Base to be located at the University of Reading. One of our seminal
leaders, Faye Fransella, is donating her collection of books and theses
relating to PCP and it is anticipated that this may become an National or
International Resource Base.
A summary of the programme for 1998 / 99 includes the following activities:
* Evening Forum on the relationship between PCP and Phenomenology. Friday
20th March, 7-9pm, University of Reading. Discussion led by Trevor Butt
(Heddersfield) and Brit Apelgren(Reading).
* Use of PCP in the Workplace. Saturday 27th June 1998. University of
Reading =20
10 - 1pm, led by Bob Hacket and Martin Smith
* =B7 Data Surgery and Laddering Workshop. Saturday 30th May at Broadmoor
Hospital Education and Training Centre, Crowthorne 10 - 4pm
* Appreciative Enquiry Workshop in the Autumn Term led by Sandra Tjok-a-Tam
* Using Visual methods in Research led by Philip Mignot in the Autumn Term
* One Day Conference scheduled for 1999.
* =B7Critical Friends Meeting. Presenters in rehearsal for the EPCA
Conference in March=B7 Contact for details.