Programmes and booking forms now available for the following Conference
(Previous date was incorrect)
Policy and Practice
One day International Conference
Friday 20 November 1998
at University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
organised by Faculty of Health, University of Central Lancashire
This conference will examine issues relevant to the delivery of care for
patients with a Personality Disorder, and to illustrate action being
taken at a national and local level to meet the needs of patients with a
Personality Disorder.
The conference will explore
- policies relating to the provision of care for people with
Personality Disorder
- the service provided both within the UK and Holland
- strategies being adapted by two of the UKs special hospitals
- action being taken, at national level, to undertake and implement
research in the area.
Speakers will be key representatives from policy making organisations as
well as practice innovation. Speakers include:
Dr Dilys Jones, High Security Psychiatric Service Commissioning Board
Dr Judith de Boer, Ministry of Justice, Netherlands
Dr Sheila Adam, Department of Health
Clinical Staff from Rampton and Ashworth Special Hospitals
For programme and booking form please contact
Liz Kelly, CCL, University of Central Lancashire, FREEPOST, Preston
Telephone 44 1772 892256
Fax 44 1772 892938