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my name is Iacopo Minervini and I'm a new member of the PCP list.
I live in Florence (Italy) and I attend the specialization school in =
psychoterapy called CESIPc (Dr. G. Chiari - Director).
I've begin the work like constructivist psychotherapist from a short =
time under the supervision of the school.
My university training is like psychologist and I've some experiences in =
the field of observative and attributional reaserch. I also cooperate =
with the Italian league for the fight against tumor in the field of =
"Stop smoking groups" and healthy programs.
Now my interest are about a specific transteoretical model called =
"Stages Change Model" developed in the early 1980' by Prochaska and Di =
Clemente at the University of Rhode Islands. The SCM views behaviour =
change as a dynamic process. A basic premise is that change has a =
natural history. The model has been applied to a broad range of =
behaviours including smoking cessation, weight loss, injury prevention =
and other. An important point of view of the model is the anticipation =
of the own future behavior or change and the construction that permit to =
see the person across some stages of change.
I think that SCM can be read and enlarge under Personal Construct =
Theory, can someone suggest me something about this ?
Thank you,
Iacopo Minervini
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