on July 26th, 1999, in Berlin, Germany
The XIIIth International Congress on Personal Construct
Psychology Congress will be held from Monday, July 26th, 1999,
through Saturday, July 31st, 1999, in Berlin, Germany. The
preliminary Congress Programme will be available soon on the
Congress Web Site at:
There will be two 3-hour pre-conference workshops and one 2-hour
workshop available in the morning of July 26th, 1999. Two of
them are introductory workshops especially suited for
participants new to the area of Personal Construct Psychology but
also for those among the more experienced colleagues who want to
know more about non-grid approaches to PCP (Helen Jones) or about
the latest developments in computerised Repertory Grid analysis
(Richard Bell). The third workshop (on meaning reconstruction and
the experience of loss, led by Robert Neimeyer) will be of
particular value for counsellors but also for others involved in
issues of dealing with loss and grieving.
The fee for the 3-hour workshops (Jones and Neimeyer) is DM 75
each, for the 2-hour workshop (Bell) DM 50. Part of the fees will
be used to support the participation of students in the congress.
The workshops will be held at the congress venue from 9.00 to
12.30 (Jones and Neimeyer) or 10.00 to 12.30 (Bell), on Monday,
July 26th, 1999 with a Morning Tea break included. The fees may
be paid on site.
The workshops are described in more detail below. Since the
number of participants is limited it is advised to register in
advance by sending an email message to the congress organiser
(Joern Scheer:
An introduction to Personal Construct Psychology
Helen Jones
The workshop is for REAL beginners. Some key features of Personal
Construct Psychology will be introduced. There will be an
opportunity to practice using a character sketch and to elicit,
ladder and pyramid personal constructs. It will be an opportunity
to learn and experiment with some basic facets and techniques
implied by Personal Construct Psychology.
Helen Jones is an experienced practitioner of the Personal
Construct approach. She worked at the Centre of Personal
Construct Psychology in London, then with Health Professionals in
Northern England and is currently the Director of the Centre for
Leadership Development at the University of York, England.
Analysing Repertory Grid Data
Richard Bell
A two-hour presentation showing how hand analysis, PC programs
GRIDSTAT, GRIDSCAL), and statistical packages (SPSS) can be used
to simplify grid data and highlight relationships in grids.
Richard Bell, Ph. D., is a Professor of Psychology at the
Psychology Department of the University of Melbourne, Australia.
He is one of the pioneers of computerised Repertory Grid
analysis. Last year he has published GridStat, a successor to his
well-known grid analysis package G-pack, and this year´s congress
will see the presentation of the GRIDSCAL package.
Meaning reconstruction and the experience of loss
Robert A. Neimeyer
The field of grief counseling is currently in a state of
revolution. Older concepts of grief as a series of predictable
emotional stages are being displaced by more clinically rich
models that emphasize the often subtle ways in which the bereaved
individual’s sense of self and world are profoundly challenged by
significant losses of persons, projects, places, and possessions.
Working from this emerging perspective, we will explore a model
of grieving as a process of meaning reconstruction, and consider
its relevance for counseling practice. In particular, we will
have an opportunity for ”hands on” practice with a variety of
therapeutic strategies, ranging from meaning reconstruction
interviews, through metaphoric listening, to narrative means of
promoting perspective taking on past losses. Using a blend of
lecture, live and videotape demonstrations, and experiential
exercises, this intermediate workshop will help participants
translate the cutting edge of grief theory into concrete clinical
Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology at the
University of Memphis, USA, where he maintains an active therapy
practice. He is Co-Editor of the Journal of Constructivist
Psychology, Editor of Death Studies, and author of Lessons of
Loss: A Guide to Coping (1998, McGraw Hill), as well as 15 other
books on constructivism and death and loss issues. Neimeyer is
also Past President of the Association for Death Education and
Counseling, which recently granted him its Research Recognition
Award for his scholarly contributions.
Prof. Dr. Joern W. Scheer * Dept. of Medical Psychology
Friedrichstr. 36 * D-35392 Giessen * Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 641-99-45682 - Fax: +49 (0) 641-99-45689
Dept. of Medical Psychology Home Page:
Personal Construct Psychol. Group Home Page:
Internat. Congress on PCP Web Site: