I've been inactive on the mailbase (and most everywhere else) for the past
couple of years. Lurking for a few months now, it's been great to see some
familar names as well as indications that newcomers are finding this group
supportive and helpful, as well as stimulating. That was my experience in
graduate school, and let me encourage those of you at that stage not to be
shy, but to ask for technical and methodological advice and enter into the
ongoing dialogues on more "lofty" theoretical issues.
Having said that... At present I'm in the process of cranking up a research
and evaluation consulting practice. One potential project entails the
evaluation of a parent training program. The client writes: "We want
parents to start making changes in their attitudes... hard to do, hard to
Unfortunately, I lost much of my library in a move, but seem to recall
someone writing about "change grids" several years ago. Does this ring a
bell with anyone? Anyone have any bright ideas about or experience with
program evaluation?
Thanks -
Suzanne Huffman