' The Repertory Grid Technique will be administered to those women that are
deemed appropriate for participation. It is anticipated that this procedure
will take xxxx. The repertory Grid procedure is like a structured interview
and involves presenting to the participant various role titles ad asking the
participant to name people from their own experience, who fit the specific
role titles.
The participant is then required to consider triads of the named people and
to think about the simailarities and differences between these people. This
elicits participants unique constructs which are then rated against
different dimensions of the self.
This worked for me as the ethics committee passed it without comment.
Good Luck
-----Original Message-----
From: a.c.downing@newcastle.ac.uk
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 1999 6:01 PM
To: pcp@mailbase.ac.uk
Subject: Help re Rep Grids and Ethical Committees
This is a question to people in Britain who have used rep. grids in
research that has had to be cleared by local health service ethical
We are about to submit such an application. The guidelines say that
should be accompanied by a full research protocol. I am uncertain of
much detail they want us to give. I'm inclined not to give more
than will
get it through, because I'd like more time to do pilot work while
application proceeds
- but time is pressing now for getting the application in. Does
know if there is a general answer to the question of how much detail
local ethical committee is likely to want? Will it be full details
of the
design of the grid, including the specification of the elements and
supplied constructs, or much less? Or is it anyone's guess?
Any answers very gratefully received - especially if they are quick!
Tony Downing, M.A., Ph.D.
Lecturer, Dept. of Psychology,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU,
email: A.C.Downing@Newcastle.ac.uk
Phone +44 (0)191 222 6184 Mobile: +44 (0) 468 427 481
Fax: +44 (0)191 222 5622