Re: on Action Research
Robin Hill (bsrah@TWP.AC.NZ)
Fri, 4 Jun 1999 15:50:27 +1200
Can I take this opportunity to also put a plug in for Don
Bannister's chapter in Reason and Rowan. My job is to
encourage staff into research and establish and sustain a so-
called research culture. Hence as well as being a student of
PCP I tend to also be a student of research. When I read
Don's chapter I found myself saying "Hey! Thats exactly how I
feel about research. This sums it all up for me and makes
sense for me. This is what I would want to write about
research - but didn't realise it."
Thanks for the information about Action Research too, Devi.
Dr. Robin Hill
Principal Lecturer & Research Leader
Department of Business Studies
The Waikato Polytechnic
Private Bag 3036
Hamilton 2020
New Zealand
Fax. NZ (07) 834-8802