Below are copies of the blurbs. Both books should be available in Berlin.
John Fisher
A Collection of Papers from the 1999 Personal Construct Psychology
ISBN 0-9530198-2-9
290 pages, softback
Advance orders will be accepted prior to publication in July, 1999. The
volume is available at a discounted rate to paid-up members of: EPCA
(European Personal Construct Association)
The book costs £15 (fifteen pounds sterling) reduced to £12 (twelve pounds
sterling) for ECPA members.
Please add for postage and packing (surface mail rates outside Europe) :-
UK £1.50 (one pound fifty pence)
Europe £3.00 (three pounds)
US £4.75 (four pounds seventy-five pence)
Australia £4.75 (four pounds seventy-five pence)
Cheques or money orders should be made out to EPCA Publications and sent to
Mr. John Fisher, 4 Marilyn Avenue, Lostock Hall, PRESTON, Lancs., PR5 5BL,
United Kingdom.
PLEASE SEND ME .....................copies of :- Beyond Experimentation into
I enclose payment of ................... I am a CURRENT member of EPCA
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At last the definitive contribution to personal construct psychology is back
in print
ISBN 0-9530198-3-7
120 pages, softback
Advance orders will be accepted prior to publication in July, 1999. The
volume is available at a discounted rate to paid-up members of: EPCA
(European Personal Construct Association)
The book costs £12 (tweleve pounds sterling) reduced to £10 (ten pounds
sterling) for ECPA members.
Please add for postage and packing (surface mail rates outside Europe) :-
UK £1.50 (one pound fifty pence)
Europe £3.00 (three pounds)
US £4.75 (four pounds seventy-five pence)
Australia £4.75 (four pounds seventy-five pence)
Cheques or money orders should be made out to EPCA Publications and sent to
Mr. John Fisher, 4 Marilyn Avenue, Lostock Hall, PRESTON, Lancs., PR5 5BL,
United Kingdom.
PLEASE SEND ME .....................copies of :- A Psychology for Living
I enclose payment of ................... I am a CURRENT member of EPCA
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