There are several papers in the journal you have mentioned. I rather call
my paper an outline acting as a prepare because I consider incomplete. Why?
Several resources I could not obtain for the paper due to the time
pressures. I will post the paper online sometime shortly for all to
view...please ignore the last section of the paper that refers to Yalom
(that was done for a class requirement).
According to the articles I sequestered, Kelly believed that Group Therapy
would be a great experimental lab group and favored it. I would encourgare
those interest to pursue Kelly's views on group.
Comments are welcomed on my paper. There are a few grammer errors and
spelling errors here and there.
Thank-you Robert for your comments.
Until then,
PS I will post my paper online around 10pm EST and will notify you of the url.
At 11:55 AM 6/17/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Manfred et al.
> As Bronwyn suggests, maybe it would be a good idea to post this,
>in light of the responses. However it works, I would appreciate a copy of
>your paper. Can you send as an attachment?
> Not to steal your thunder, Manfred, but there are other recent
>articles on Group PCP applications. Several have appeared in JCP in the
>"professional practice" section over the last 10 years. Of course, those
>interested in group should not overlook chapter 22 of Kelly's volume II.
>I suspect there are others that have appeared as book chapters and
>conference proceedings, however. Keep 'em coming.
>-- Robb
>On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, manfred m straehle student of epistemology wrote:
>> If you would like I have a small paper I did for class last year (98) on
>> the role of constructivism in group therapy. I can send that to you as an
>> outline.
>> Manfred
>> At 02:18 PM 6/16/99 -0600, you wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Members:
>> > Looking through my scanty library, I realize I have very little
>> material on PCP
>> >for group psychotherapy applications. Can anyone suggest some titles of
>> recent work
>> >on the area?
>> >
>> >thanks, in advance
>> >-- Robb
>> >Dept. of Ed. Psyc.
>> >The University of Calgary
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> "If you want to know what is wrong with a client, ask him; he might tell
>> you " (p.201)--The Psychology of Personal Constructs--George A. Kelly
>> "We are forced to express ourselves in words, and we think, most often, in
>> space. To put it another way, language compels us to establish between our
>> ideas the same clear and precise distinctions, and the same break in
>> continuity, as between material objects."
>> ---Henri Bergson---
>> "What we ordinarily call a fact is not reality such as it would appear to
>> an immediate intuition, but an adaptation of reality to practical interests
>> and the demands of social life." ("Matiere et Memoire", page 201.)
>> ---Herni Bergson
"To say that the same inner cause will reproduce the same effects is to say
that the same cause can appear a second time on the stage of consciousness.
Now, if durations (duree) is what we say, deep-seated psychic states are
radically heterogenous to each other, and it is impossible that any two of
them should be quite alike, since they are two different moments in a life
Henri Bergson