Re: Message from Internet
Greg Turner (
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 08:09:01 +1000
Thank you Fay and John. I will eagerly await the 2nd edition Fay, and rest
assured that I am not a believer in 'cookbook' approaches. What really
attracts me to PCP is its recognition (perhaps its cornerstone) of
uniqueness of every individual human being and the need in therapy to make a
connection to that individual. Although I'm a complete novice to PCP I have
been involved in 'Recovery' focused approaches to mental health delivery for
some years. I wrote a little article recently comparing PCP with the
concepts of 'Recovery from Mental Illness' as articulated by consumers
prominant in the international consumer movement and professionals involved
in 'Recovery' such as William Anthony and LeRoy Spaniol from the Centre for
Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University. The two marry very well
Thanks again
-----Original Message-----
From: Fay Fransella <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 8:49 PM
Subject: Message from Internet
>Peggy Dalton and I wrote "Personal construct counselling in action" in 1990
>for Sage Publications with you in our mind's eye! It is currently going
>into a 2nd edition but that will not be available for some months. I should
>add that it is definitely not a "cook book" and I don't think you will find
>one of those. But it should give you theoretical and practical guide-lines.
>Hope that helps.
>Dr Fay Fransella
>The Sail Loft
>Mulberry Quay
>Falmouth TR11 3HD