Below are some PCP and other references (eg Nasby and Dodge/Lochman material
on hostile attributions may be of interest; Indermaur is not PCp but has
releavnce to the idea of constructions). The book by Houston, Making Sense
with Offenders (1998), has a chapter on young people and delinquency, while
Winter provides overviews on relevant literature.
Brennan, D. (1990). Deviancy as a Quest for Self, in Maitland, P. (Ed.),
Personal Construct Theory Deviancy and Social Work: Papers Presented at the
first PCT Social Work and Deviancy Conference. Inner London Probation
Service, London.
Dodge, K., Lochman, J., Harnish, J., Bates, J. and Petit, G. (1997).
Reactive and Proactive Aggression in School Children and Psychiatrically
Impaired Chronically Assaultive Youth. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106,
Houston, J. (1998). Making Sense With Offenders: Personal Constructs,
Therapy and Change. Wiley, Chichester.
Indermaur, D. (1996). Perceptions of Violence. Psychiatry, Psychology and
Law. 3, 129-141.
Kelly, D. (1990). A Personal Construct Theory Perspective on Deviance, in
Maitland, M. (Ed.). Personal Construct Theory Deviancy and Social Work:
Papers Presented at the first PCT Social Work and Deviancy Conference. Inner
London Probation Service, London.
Kelly, D. and Taylor, H. (1981). Take and Escape: A Personal Construct Study
of Car 'Theft', in Bonarius H, Holland R and Rosenberg S (Eds.). Personal
Construct Psychology: Recent Advances in Theory and Practice. St Martin's
Press, New York.
Lochman, J. and Dodge, K. (1994). Social-Cognitive Processes of Severely
Violent, Moderately Aggressive and Nonaggressive Boys. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 366-374.
Lochman, J. and Dodge, K. (1998). Distorted Perceptions in Dyadic
Interactions of Aggressive and Nonaggressive Boys: Effects of Prior
Expectations, Context, and Boys' Age. Development and Psychopathology, 10,
Mancuso, J. (1979). Reprimand: the Construing of the Rule Violator's
Construct System, in Stringer, P. and Bannister, D. (Eds). Constructs of
Sociality and Individuality. Academic Press, London.
Miller K and Treacher A (1981). Delinquency: a Personal Construct Theory
Approach, in Bonarius H, Holland R and Rosenberg S (Eds.). Personal
Construct Psychology: Recent Advances in Theory and Practice. St Martin's
Press, New York.
Nasby, W., Hayden, B. and DePaulo, B. (1980). Attributional Bias Among
Aggressive Boys to Interpret Unambiguous Social Stimuli as Displays of
Hostility. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 89, 459-468.
Needs A (1988). Psychological Investigation of offending Behaviour, in
Fransella F and Thomas L (Eds.). Experimenting with Personal Construct
Psychology. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Norris, M (1990). Personal Construct Theory and Deviancy- A Researcher's
Perspective, in Maitland, M. (Ed.). Personal Construct Theory Deviancy and
Social Work: Papers Presented at the first PCT Social Work and Deviancy
Conference. Inner London Probation Service, London.
Pollock, P. (1996). Clinical Issues in the Cognitive Analytic Therapy of
Sexually Abused Women Who Commit Violent Offences Against Their Partners.
British Journal of Medical Psychology, 69, 117-127.
Pollock, P., and Kear-Colwell, J. (1994). Women Who Stab: A Personal
Construct Analysis of Sexual Victimization and Offending Behaviour. British
Journal of Medical Psychology, 67, 13-22.
Winter D (1992). Personal Construct Psychology in Clinical Practice:
Theory, Research and Applications. Routledge, New York.