Re: textured backgrounds

Rob Raisch (
Fri, 20 Jan 95 14:28:02 EST

> From: "Marc Salomon" <>
> Dave Raggett <> writes:
> |Yes,its the ability to cascade style sheets. It works roughly like
> this:
> 3| Browser style defaults
> 2| Style sheet linked to document
> 1| Style overrides in document head
> 0| User's overrides
> I would hope that for (2) an author would be able to specify a
> document-specific stylesheet that could contain a reference to an
> institution-specific stylesheet(s).

I would like to make a strong request for the ability of the
publisher to specify that the stylesheet they provide should
not/must not be overridden in the browser.

Publishing is comprised of a number of functions. The three most
important, in the minds of many publishers, are:

1. control over content (the editorial role)
2. control over presentation (the production role)
3. control over distribution (the financial role)

Traditional publishing is always a question of control.

Publishers, to fully embrace the Web as a publishing tool, must be
given the same controls over their product online as they have in the
really real world.

While the creation of tools which release the user from this imposed
control is a valuable pursuit, for the web to be a truly effective
publishing vehicle, we need to support the publisher rather than
dismissing their business and general worldview as retrogressive and
