"Make simple things easy to do, and make the complex cases possible"
Shortrefs should be useful for simple examples
(I think this is right - I only know what has pased by on this list)
<math> e = c^2^m </math>
<math> e = c<sup>2</sup>m </math>
For double superscripts 3
x = c m
<math> x = c^2^3^^m </math> - this does not work (apparently)
<math> x = c^2<sup>3</sup>^m </math> - but will this?
i.e. can one mix shortrefs and normal markup? That should satisfy
both camps. Basically, I think shortrefs have their place, but
for those n-dimensional teapot-topological expressions there is always
the normal markup to fall back on.
Shortrefs don't have to do everything.