Re: Shortref [was: Re: Super and Subscripts]

Bert Bos (
Mon, 23 Jan 95 14:14:32 EST

Christian Mogensen writes:

|For double superscripts 3
| 2
| x = c m
| <math> x = c^2^3^^m </math> - this does not work (apparently)
| <math> x = c^2<sup>3</sup>^m </math> - but will this?

If it has to look like TeX, how about this :-)


It can be done with shortrefs as follows:

<!DOCTYPE math [
<!ELEMENT math - - ANY>
<!ELEMENT sup - - ANY>
<!ENTITY opensup "<sup>">
<!ENTITY closesup "</sup>">
<!ENTITY null "">
<!SHORTREF mathmap
"^" opensup
"_" opensub>
<!USEMAP mathmap math>
<!SHORTREF supmap
"{" null
"}" closesup>
<!USEMAP supmap sup>

and similarly for _{subscripts}, of course.


                          Bert Bos                      Alfa-informatica
                 <>           Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
    <>     Postbus 716, NL-9700 AS GRONINGEN