I'd suggest that we should allow use of any of the character sets
referenced in the MIME RFCs (ISO-8859-X for X=1 to 9), for
interoperability with MIME, if nothing else. (In addition
to Unicode.)
I didn't hear a consensus the last time this subject broke out,
but it seemed that many of the objections raised to Unicode
as a device for multi-lingual documents were addressed
by Unicode plus some explict way to indicate changes in language:
either a tag or some low-level mechanism.
(I'm not sure which aspect of the SGML declaration you are
seeing as the problem.)
It seems like a language tag would be simple, if a bit free with
bandwidth. Would the options of Unicode or the MIME ISO charsets
plus a language tag for markup be flexible enough to satisfy
all parties?
-- Albert Lunde Albert-Lunde@nwu.edu