Re: Toward Graceful Deployment of Tables

Josh Engel (
Tue, 14 Mar 95 11:58:47 EST (Dan Connolly) writes:
> ALIGN=top SRC="pics/blueball.gif" ALT="o " height=15 width=15><A
> HREF="projects.html"><EM>Projects</EM></A> </TD><TD WIDTH=25%><IMG
.. several like lines omitted ...
> ALIGN=top SRC="pics/blueball.gif" ALT="o " height=15 width=15><A
> Umm... er... blech.

I think you are being unfair. Sure, this is unreadable, but it is also
probably machine-generated. Almost any machine generated code is going
to be unreadable. With proper use of entities and line spacing this
would be a lot more readable.

But it doesn't have to be. The world is WYSIWYG. Fewer and fewer people
will have to write this by hand. Even today, almost nobody (execpt us)
has to read this sort of thing; that's what browsers are for.