Re: progress on HTML 2.0 reconstruction

Wed, 29 Mar 95 16:06:57 EST

> All of the new tags in HTML 2.0 and HTML 3.0 are illegal in the HTML 1.0
> spec. Would you like to be in the situation where you cannot add any
> new tags without breaking all the existing implementations?

That's not the question. The question is what a standard is supposed
to say about constructions that are not legal under that standard.
Does the ANSI C standard specify what a C compiler is supposed to do
with Fortran? Does the PostScript specification describe the behavior
of PostScript interpreters when they're fed PCL code?

Having said that, however, I think that Roy's point about what kind of
standard this is may have some merit. My comments were made in the
context of HTML 2.0 as a language standard, not as a user agent
standard. I stand by my earlier opinion, but it's possible that it's
just not relevant in this context.


Jon Bosak, Novell Corporate Publishing Services
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