> To focus the table model discussion some more, I'd like to post
> this message with three DTD fragments to consider:
> 1. the model Dave is currently suggesting in his draft HTML 3.0 DTD;
> 2. basically the same as #1 modified by the minimal changes that are
> highly recommended by SGML Open;
> 3. a fragment that is generally functionally equivalent (though even
> as it is, it has some added capabilities) to 1 and 2, but that is
> basically a subset of the SGML Open recommended subset of the CALS
> table model.
> I realize that written semantics are important to the careful definition
> of any DTD fragment such as this, but I am omitting most of them from this
> message so as to avoid overwhelming readers. Most of the semantics
> associated with fragment #3 have been pretty well agreed upon for years,
> and SGML Open is in the process of writing up the definitive version
> of all the details. I'm hoping that the DTD fragments and some minimal
> comments suffice for now.
> I would like to see HTML adopt the CALS subset. Not only does this have
> the advantage of existing implementations as well as years of experience
> understanding its semantics, but it has an obvious enhancement path when
> HTML wants real headers and footers, multiple tgroups, individual rule
> segment types, etc. I hope my presentation shows that it isn't much more
> complex than Dave's model.
> All three of the fragments are shown in "reduced" form where I expanded
> most parameter entity references and tossed most comments declarations
> all for the purposed of getting to the heart of the model.
> =======================================================
> Basics of Dave Raggett's suggestion for HTML 3.0 tables
> -------------------------------------------------------
> <!ELEMENT TABLE - - (CAPTION?, TR*) -- mixed headers and data -->
> %needs; -- for control of text flow --
> border (border) #IMPLIED -- draw borders --
> colspec CDATA #IMPLIED -- column widths and alignment --
> units (em|pixels|relative) em -- units for column widths --
> dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
> width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- absolute or percentage width --
> align (bleedleft|left|center|right|bleedright|justify) center
> noflow (noflow) #IMPLIED -- noflow around table --
> nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
> >
> <!ENTITY % horiz.align "left|center|right|justify">
> <!ENTITY % vert.align "top|middle|bottom|baseline">
> <!ELEMENT TR - O (TH | TD)* -- row container -->
> align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED -- horizontal alignment --
> valign (%vert.align) top -- vertical alignment --
> dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
> nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
> >
> <!ELEMENT (TH | TD) - O %body.content>
> colspan NUMBER 1 -- columns spanned --
> rowspan NUMBER 1 -- rows spanned --
> align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED -- horizontal alignment --
> valign (%vert.align) top -- vertical alignment --
> dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
> nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
> axis CDATA #IMPLIED -- axis name, defaults to element content --
> axes CDATA #IMPLIED -- comma separated list of axis names --
> >
> ==============================================================
> Raggett-like fragment with minimal, highly recommended changes
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Changes are:
> a. add COLSPEC to the content model of TABLE
> b. delete the colspec and units attributes from TABLE
> c. add COLSPEC element declaration
> d. add "char" to possible "horiz.align" attribute values
> <!ELEMENT TABLE - - (CAPTION?, COLSPEC*, TR*) -- mixed headers and data -->
> %needs; -- for control of text flow --
> border (border) #IMPLIED -- draw borders --
> dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
> width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- absolute or percentage width --
> align (bleedleft|left|center|right|bleedright|justify) center
> noflow (noflow) #IMPLIED -- noflow around table --
> nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
> >
> <!ENTITY % horiz.align "left|center|right|justify|char">
> <!ENTITY % vert.align "top|middle|bottom|baseline">
> <!ELEMENT COLSPEC - o EMPTY -- only exists to hold attributes -->
> align (%horiz.align) "left"
> -- character upon which to align ( such as . or , ) --
> -- position of character upon which to align --
> colwidth CDATA #IMPLIED
> -- e.g., 1.5in, 40pt, or 20* (* to indicate "relative") -->
> <!ELEMENT TR - O (TH | TD)* -- row container -->
> align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED -- horizontal alignment --
> valign (%vert.align) top -- vertical alignment --
> dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
> nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
> >
> <!ELEMENT (TH | TD) - O %body.content>
> colspan NUMBER 1 -- columns spanned --
> rowspan NUMBER 1 -- rows spanned --
> align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED -- horizontal alignment --
> valign (%vert.align) top -- vertical alignment --
> dp CDATA #IMPLIED -- decimal point e.g. dp="," --
> nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- don't wrap words --
> axis CDATA #IMPLIED -- axis name, defaults to element content --
> axes CDATA #IMPLIED -- comma separated list of axis names --
> >
> ================================================
> Subset of CALS tables with similar functionality
> ------------------------------------------------
> %needs;
> frame (top|bottom|topbot|all|sides|none) #IMPLIED
> width NUMBER #IMPLIED -- absolute or percentage width --
> >
> <!ENTITY % horiz.align "left|center|right|justify|char" -- CALS adds "char" -->
> <!ENTITY % vert.align "top|middle|bottom" -- CALS omits baseline -->
> align (%horiz.align) "left"
> char CDATA ""
> charoff NUTOKEN "50"
> >
> align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED
> -- character (e.g., decimal point) for character alignment --
> colwidth CDATA #IMPLIED
> -- offset from left of cell (in percent) for positioning
> of aligned character in the case of character alignment --
> >
> valign (%vert.align) "top"
> >
> <!ELEMENT ENTRY - O %body.content;>
> morerows NUMBER "0"
> valign (%vert.align) #IMPLIED
> align (%horiz.align) #IMPLIED
> >
> =======================================================
> Some few comments on the suggested CALS subset:
> a. Multiple TGROUPs allow for "stacking" table subunits that
> may have different numbers/widths of columns. HTML 2.1
> could use (CAPTION?, TGROUP?) for a simpler model that
> is still a CALS subset.
> b. Aside from allowing a "wrapper" on which to provide some default
> values for all rows--as well as maintaining subset compatibility
> with CALS--the TBODY element prepares the way for having optional
> THEAD and TFOOT row-wrappers in the future.
> c. Horizontal spanning is done by using the "nameend" attribute
> on an <entry> to give the "colname" (see <colspec>) of the column
> in which the horizontal span should end. Optional use of "namest"
> allows for disambiguating where this entry will (start to) be
> placed; its use is recommended (though not required--if omitted,
> the semantics are as you would expect) when something may be
> "spanning down" into this row so as to disambiguate where this
> entry should go.
> d. Vertical spanning is done using the "morerows" attribute which
> works much like "rowspan" except that morerows=rowspan-1.
> Here's the sample table from Dave's HTML 3.0 draft (except I omitted
> the "ROWSPAN=2" on the cell containing "females" since it served
> no purpose in this example):
> <CAPTION>A test table with merged cells</CAPTION>
> <TH ROWSPAN=2>other<BR>category<TH>Misc
> <TR><TH>height<TH>weight
> <TR><TH ALIGN=LEFT>males<TD>1.9<TD>0.003
> <TR><TH ALIGN=LEFT>females<TD>1.7<TD>0.002
> </TABLE>
> This would be rendered something like:
> A test table with merged cells
> +--------------------------------------------------+
> | | Average | other | Misc |
> | |-------------------| category |--------|
> | | height | weight | | |
> |-----------------------------------------|--------|
> | males | 1.9 | 0.003 | | |
> |-----------------------------------------|--------|
> | females | 1.7 | 0.002 | | |
> +--------------------------------------------------+
> Here is the same table marked up using the suggested CALS subset:
> <CAPTION>A test table with merged cells</CAPTION>
> <TGROUP cols=5>
> <ENTRY MOREROWS=1>other category<ENTRY>Misc
> <ROW><ENTRY>height<ENTRY>weight
> <ROW><ENTRY>males<ENTRY>1.9<ENTRY>0.003
> <ROW><ENTRY>females<ENTRY>1.7<ENTRY>0.002
> </TABLE>
> Note: I wouldn't have had to have any COLSPECs, except I took
> advantage of a COLSPEC for the first column to set the default
> horizontal alignment for all cells in the first column to LEFT.
> The implied colspecs are equivalent in full blown form to:
> <COLSPEC colname=1 colwidth="1*" ALIGN=LEFT>
> <COLSPEC colname=2 colwidth="1*">
> <COLSPEC colname=3 colwidth="1*">
> <COLSPEC colname=4 colwidth="1*">
> <COLSPEC colname=5 colwidth="1*">
> and the cell whose content is "Average" is appropriately spanned
> by specifying a NAMEEND attribute that refer to the implied "colname"
> for column 3. Note that "colname"s could be more mnemonic, logical
> based names rather than numbers, it's just that the implied default
> is the column number making the markup for horizontal spanning in
> this simple case very obvious.
> For another example, I take what I sent to the list earlier
> (I received there answers: one that it was obviously one way,
> another that is was a different way, and Dave's below which
> said the cells overlapped):
> How should the following table be rendered?
> <table>
> <tr><td rowspan=2>1<td>2<td>3<td>4<td>5
> <tr><td rowspan=2>6
> <tr><td colspan=2>7<td>8
> </table>
> Dave's response:
> +--------------------+
> | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
> | |---------------| The cells labelled 6 and 7 overlap!
> | | 6 | | | |
> |----|...|-----------|
> | 7 : | 8 | | |
> +--------------------+
> Here is how I would mark it up in the CALS subset:
> <table>
> <tgroup>
> <tbody>
> <row><entry morerows=1>1<entry>2<entry>3<entry>4<entry>5
> <row><entry morerows=1>6
> <row><entry namest=3 nameend=4>7<entry>8
> </table>
> which would give me:
> +---+---+---+---+---+
> | | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
> | 1 +---+---+---+---+
> | | | | | |
> +---+ 6 +---+---+---+
> | | | 7 | 8 |
> +---+---+-------+---+
> If my last row were instead:
> <row><entry namest=1 nameend=2>7<entry>8
> then I would have overlapping cells (for which the presentation is
> implementation dependent).
> Note that, with the use of NAMEST and NAMEEND to do horizontal spanning,
> it's easier to avoid ambiguous placement (though it's certainly still
> possible to specify overlapping cells).
> paul
> Paul Grosso
> VP Research, ArborText, Inc.
> and
> Chief Technical Officer, SGML Open
> Email: paul@arbortext.com