Re: Glossaries (was: footnotes in HTML3...)

Mike Batchelor (
Fri, 30 Jun 1995 08:54:43 -0400 (EDT)

Michael Johnson once wrote...
> >At 9:43 AM 95.6.7 -0400, Michael Johnson wrote:
> >>Keith Rogers writes:
> >>>I assume that the glossary link is described in some other
> >>>document. Could you tell me where I could find this information?
> >>
> >>Check out which is a
> >>hypertext version of Dave Raggett's HTML 3.0 IETF draft.
> >
> >First of all, the correct URL is
> >
> >
> Sorry, finger check.

I have only PPP access to the Web, and would like to obtain a complete
local copy of the HTML v3 CoverPage.html and all its links downward,
including images, etc. I have the draft text file, but this is not as
convenient a reference as the hypertext version, and having to have the
modem link up is also a bother. I've looked in vain for a mirror robot
that could fetch it for me; it seems that things of this nature are
closely kept Secrets Of The Web Cabal. :)

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