Re: Psychology and usefulness

Mike Batchelor (
Mon, 17 Jul 1995 18:54:04 -0400 (EDT)

Alexei Kosut once wrote...
> On Mon, 17 Jul 1995, Paul Prescod wrote:
> > A tag name should not imply more about its formatting than it can deliver.
> > Why not deprecate them (as well as BIG and SMALL) and get it over with?
> Now this is interesting... deprecate a tag that doesn't exit. Correct me
> if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm aware, the only place that BIG and SMALL
> exist is in the HTML 3.0 draft, and I don't believe any browsers
> implement it, either. So why not just forget they ever existed, and not
> bother with the deprecation?

Mosaic 2.6beta implements <small>, but not <big>.

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