Re: Standardizing new HTML features

"(Arnold Bloemer)" <>
Date: 28 Apr 93  7:40 
From: "(Arnold Bloemer)" <>
Message-id: <RFC-822:>
Subject: Re: Standardizing new HTML features
Cc:,,, bloemer


> From Wed Apr 28 01:17:16 1993
> ...
> Also, I'm not certain that any multimedia data other than images needs
> to be specifiable as inlined/included.  Things like audio and MPEG can
> simply be pointed at from an anchor (as Mosaic does) and forked to
> external viewers or processed internally, whichever the browser
> prefers -- and with inlined images the whole thing will be iconic
> anyway.

But it is much more impressive and intuitive, when you click on an
image and it starts moving in place. Paradise Software Inc. have a demo
which shows a hypermedia newspaper. In that demo there are two images 
which serve as anchors to two movies. When you start the movies they 
will run at the location of the images. I showed the demo to a couple 
of people and all were very impressed.

> I would certainly love to hear discussion about what to do with text
> flow -- it's starting to become a popular request.

I would like this feature also very much.



Dipl.-Ing. Arnold Bloemer	   Universitaet Hannover
				   Institut fuer Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik
				   und Informationsverarbeitung        Appelstrasse 9A
fax:    +49 511 762-5333           D-3000 Hannover 1
phone:  +49 511 762-5320           Germany