I thought the expired date is used like this:
client GETs document, but this is routed via proxy cache
if expired(cached_document)
proxy HEADs document at original server
if (original_mod_date > cached_mod_date)
GET new original document
put it in cache
return cached_document
> The HTTP protocol was therefore extended to contain an If-modified-since request
> header, making it possible to do a conditional GET request.
This is an excellent optimization. I'd also like to see a "standard"
document that a proxy can request that will return a list of all documents
modified since some date. Sites that implement it would see a lot less
traffic from proxy servers. Sites that don't aren't penalized.
The document could be named "/changes.txt" or maybe "/cgi-bin/changes". It
would probably be computed on-the-fly from a document database. I wouldn't
expect anybody to do it with a file system traversal, but that is certainly
This proposal is very similar to the standard "/robots.txt" document that
robots/spiders/mirrors/etc. use to behave nicely.
Assuming all of these optimizations:
client GETs document, but this is routed via proxy cache
if expired(cached_document)
proxy GETs/If-Modified "/cgi-bin/changes" at original server
if (original_mod_date > cached_mod_date)
proxy GETs/If-Modified document at original server
put it in cache
return cached_document
This algorithm works against all servers --- not just the ones implementing
/cgi-bin/changes. It's an especially big win on servers with many
documents, or servers that have documents composed of many sub-documents ---
anytime it is likely that a client will GET more than two expired documents
from the same original server in the same session.
> "pragma: nocache gets the original version without going via the proxy. This
> might be put on the reload button"
This is a good idea --- but instead of *not* going through the proxy, maybe
there should be a way to force the proxy to get the original document?
> "proxies do not cache CGI documents and protected documents"
How do you tell the difference?! Unless a CGI script is located in /cgi-bin
or the server returns an expiration of zero, there isn't much information a
proxy can use to tell the difference. I posted a long list of problems I
had with mirroring a few months ago. This was one of my major problems.
- Ken
Ken Fox, fox@pt0204.pto.ford.com, (313)59-44794
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