Re: HyperG

Frank Kappe (
Fri, 2 Sep 1994 17:52:52 +0200

>>>>> "Hiroaki" == Hiroaki IKEDA <> writes:

>> Hi,
>> Well having been away from Brunel for 2 weeks I come back and find that they
>> are trying to install a HyperG server and looking at it to replace the HTTPDs

Hiroaki> Could you kindly clarify what HyperG is?

Information on Hyper-G can be found under

In short, Hyper-G is a distributed hypermedia system designed for
maintaining large quantities of documents and links. The Server
maintains a link database, which allows to keep up consistency of the
web and to aid in navigation (e.g. by displaying link maps). There are
many more interesting features which I cannot possible mention here
(see ftp address above).

A Hyper-G server is accessible using WWW (for an example try URL and even Gopher clients. However, to fully
exploit its potential, you need a Hyper-G client. Two such clients are
available as alpha versions: Harmony (for UNIX/X11) and Amadeus (for
PC/MS-Windows), in addition to a VT100 interface, on above FTP server.

If you should experience problems accessing above FTP server, the
Hyper-G archive is mirrored nightly to

There is a mailing list for information and discussion about Hyper-G.
The developers and maintainers of the system inform the list about new
contents and features, and are in turn interested in user feedback
(such as problem reports, suggestions, wishes, complaints).

Since the list is unmoderated, please avoid sending junk mail and
auto-replies to the list!

To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to ""
with the following message body:

subscribe hyper-g <your name>
unsubscribe hyper-g

Frank M. Kappe                           
Institute for Information Processing and Computer Supported New Media (IICM)
                   Graz University of Technology, Austria
Voice: ++43/316/832551-22                               Fax: ++43/316/824394
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For information on Hyper-G look under ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------