Re: ANNOUNCE: Hypermail in C, version 1.0 (fwd)

Arthur Secret (
Fri, 2 Sep 1994 21:10:27 +0200

>Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
>From: "Daniel W. Connolly" <>
>> *Hypermail* is a program that takes a file of mail messages in
>>UNIX mailbox format and generates a set of cross-referenced HTML documents.
>> * Using the <html> tag, HTML passages in articles can be marked
>> so they can be parsed
>A few suggestions, if you don't mind ...
>What about body parts that are explicitly marked text/html in the MIME
>headers? I'm always disappointed when I take the trouble to wrap a posting
>up as a multipart/alternative with text/plain and text/html parts, only
>to have it garbled by the various list servers and mail->html converters.
>See, for example:
>Hmmm... it would be nice to see text/setext support too. See:
>Forms-based searching by message id, author, date, subject, keywords,
>and fulltext (and/or combinations of the above) would be nice too!