Re: Collaborative Flaming

CyberWeb (web@sowebo.CHARM.NET)
Tue, 4 Oct 1994 12:04:27 +0100

Nick Arnett wrote:
> At 2:12 PM 10/2/94 +0100, CyberWeb wrote:
> > Let there be Lurkers
> > and Talkers. The forum acts like a moderated list for Lurkers, and
> > unmoderated for Talkers. Lurkers can graduate to Talkers by laying
> > down a history of good posts to the forum
> Let me get this straight -- one can only post articles to the group after
> having posted some good articles to the group? You read Catch-22 twice,
> I'm guessing... ;-)

No - I read a dictionary, to find out the meaning of "moderated" :^)
> > or by track record, e.g.
> > being author of Mosaic, HTTPD, libwww, ...
> Ah, the truth emerges. Does a HyperCard prototype count?
Only if being a Virtual Library admin does.. (or my NASA stuff :^)

> But somewhat more seriously, those of us in the agent business should
> probably be investing more R&D into a new kind of automatic characterizing:
> identification of advertisements, flames and other situationally
> objectionable dreck. That way, you could set your own rules for who can
> virtually post a flame, or ad, or whatever.
My proposal was half tongue-in-cheek; but people have remarked here
more than once about the poor signal-to-noise ratio of the usenet,
and if anyone seriously believes they know how to alleviate that
kind of problem then I'm keen to hear more.
[...] Alan.
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