Re: Good HTML Reference Guide

Bruce Siceloff (
Thu, 20 Oct 1994 17:22:44 +0100

On Thu, 20 Oct 1994, Pieter van der Walt - INFONAUT wrote:

> Is there anybody who could give me pointers or addresses to a good
> HTML reference guide? Preferably not one in postscript format.....

Here's a recent HTML tutorial that helped me. It also delves into HTML
theory/minutiae that you can skip if you wish:

"The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and the World Wide Web: Raising
ASCII Text to a New Level of Usability."

- By Jeff Barry, The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 5, no. 5
(1994), pp 5-62.

To retrieve this file, send the following e-mail message to GET BARRY PRV5N5 F=MAIL.

The file also is available from the University of Houston Libraries
Gopher server:,port 70.

Additionally, if you Lynx onto the Web and pursue Help, you come upon
basic HTML reference resources and online tutorials that are pretty good.

-BRUCE SICELOFF Online Editor, The News & Observer /
PO Box 191, Raleigh, NC 27602 (919)829-4527 'The Old Reliable'
<> [I speak for myself only, not for The N&O.]