Re: CENTER element [Was: Netscape & New HTML]

Bert Bos (
Tue, 25 Oct 1994 18:55:03 +0100

I'll vote against CENTER, but DIVISION has some merit.

Introducing a new element with no other function than to center text
seems rather a step backwards. HTML should try to capture the
underlying *function* of the text that is to be centered:

- if it is a quote, use QUOTE
- if it is an abstract, use ABSTRACT
- if it is a note, use NOTE
- if it is a title use H*
- if it is a formula, use MATH

Of course, there will always be situations where none of the above
fits. Therefore, there has to be some general `fallback' element.
Like the first three above -- and like Joe English proposed -- it
should be an element that contains other elements (i.c. P's), but not
text. Note that the %pextra feature is of no help here.

However, I don't like the name DIVISION, it suggests a much larger
chunk of text and it can easily be confused with DIV*. How about

And, to add another attribute to the proposal: how about ROLE:

<!element DISPLAY (P*) -- other displayed text -->
<!attlist DISPLAY

-- common attributes --
ID ID #IMPLIED -- link destination --
CHARSET CDATA #IMPLIED -- eg "ISO-2022-JP" for japanese --
ALIGN (dontcare|left|center|right) dontcare -- formatting hint --

-- role examples: screendump, example-sentence, code --
ROLE CDATA #IMPLIED -- the function of this element -->

This would preserve the capability of HTML to be used as a database,
instead of as a PDL.


PS. Shouldn't this discussion be on www-html?

####[ Bert Bos                     ]####[ Alfa-informatica,           ]####
####[ <>            ]####[ Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ]####
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