(no subject)

Tang Chee Kin (cheekin@flash.swl.spec.ptg.sony.co.jp)
Thu, 24 Nov 1994 10:21:09 +0100

Hi .. I have a problem regarding setting Mosaic 2.4 to work properly on
my Irix Indigo OS 4.0.1. Presently, we have a firewall using SOCKS betw
internet and our domain. I have successfully compiled Mosaic 2.4 and link
ok. However, upon activation, it give me error that the ncsa server
refuse to sent me file or can't connect. The socks port n server is ok
as all other rftp, rtelnet, etc are working properly. I have remarked
off the WAIS and DTM in the Mosaic Makefile.

Presently, my system does not have a DNS, I tried setting it with one in
resolv.conf but still doesn't work. Kindly advise.


* *
* Tang Chee Kin *
* SONY Precision Engineering Centre, Software R&D Laboratory *
* Blk 12, The Mendel, #03-04 Science Park Drive, Singapore 0511 *
* Tel : (065) 7765858 Fax : (065) 7795657 *
* E-Mail : cheekin@swl.spec.ptg.sony.co.jp *
* *