Re: Question

Steve H Rose (
Mon, 9 Jan 1995 18:48:43 +0100

Dear Prasanna,

There are a number of tools available to generate html documents, both
under Windows and in other environments. In fact, Microsoft itself is
intending to release an add-on module to Word that will allow it to create
html documents. This module was supposed to be released on the Microsoft
BBS at the end of December -- I don't know yet if they have met that date
or not. Anyway, their next major release of Word, in conjunction with
Windows95, should be "html smart." There are many other Windows based
HTML editors available for free or as shareware over the WWW including
HTML Writer, HTML Assistant etc. etc. A good place to start for info on
HTML is -- where else! -- Cern, specifically

In case you are interested, my company, HomePage Associates, is offering
a "virtual class" which covers introductory HTML. The first, protoype
session starts next Monday, January 9, and we are intending to offer the
class every month after that. The cost is $100. For more info, write -- or, better yet, check out our hommepage at


Steve Habib Rose
HomePage Associates

On Sun, 1 Jan 1995, Prasanna Limaye x-270 wrote:

> Hi ,
> I am new to WWW World . I am really excited about
> the whole concept as such . I would like to know more aabout
> more about html . What are tools available to generate html
> documents ? . Can we convert documents from Microsoft Word
> format to html format by some tools ? . Can I have information
> about such tools ? . Are there any editors to create html document
> under microsoft windows ? If so from where to get those ?
> Any help in theis regards will be highly appcriciated ...
> Thanks,
> Prasanna Limaye ( Email )