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Re: CGI help requested` g[d d d ( Alastair Aitken CLMS Re: CGI help requestedg d Hd Xd h  \\d d d Ellis S. Cohen(Session Control Protocol vs ICE d d d   ]]d (d @d `Rick Troth RE: Stayin' Alive d d d   ^^d d d Ellis S. Cohen0WWW Applets: Embedding & Filters d (d 8d H  bbd hd d Darren NewCGI scripts d d d   ccd d dH(Windows Mosaic Tech Support(NCSA Mosaic v2.0A8 Release dhdxd  dddddMark J CoxHResubmitting POSTS (Was Re: Proxies changing POST to GET?) edd(dHd Alastair Aitken CLMSHRe: Resubmitting POSTS (Was Re: Proxies changing POST to GET?)e fdddd0Joel CrispHRe: Resubmitting POSTS (Was Re: Proxies changing POST to GET?)f kddPdhdAri LuotonenHRe: Resubmitting POSTS (Was Re: Proxies changing POST to GET?)k ddd  hhd d8dXJohn Ludeman RE: Stayin' Alive dxdd  iidddrallo claudiagwstat AND xvgr ddd(  lldHd`dNiels P. MayerPRe: program to grab www resources w/o a browser---does it exist? ddd  mmdd(d`Baard Haafjeld8Introducing FFW - Freetext search For Web ddd  nndddJohn D. Lewis0How do I register a server at CERN? d(d8dH  oodhddMarc Andreessen@fyi -- Netscape Communications ships 1.0 products ddd  ppd dHdx(WWW Mailing list common A/c.0HTML Authoring support on HTTP Servers ddd  qqddd8(WWW Mailing list common A/c.8Metainformation about arbitrary Objects.. zqdXdpdNick Arnett8Re: Metainformation about arbitrary Objects..z ddd  rrdd@d`(WWW Mailing list common A/c. Server-side includes.. ddd  ssddd(WWW Mailing list common A/c.0Proxy servers, really what are they? d8dHdX  ttdxddTim Berners-Lee0W3C Recruiting Protocol Designer ddd  uud d@dX Prasanna Limaye x-270Question mudxdd Square1@eworld.comRe: Questionm tuddd Andy HolyerRe: Questiont uud@d`d Theodore J. GouldRe: Questionu vudddJim AndersonRe: Questionv udd dHSteve H RoseRe: Question dhdxd  vvdddSeongCheon Kim(Help me for HTML editors ddd(  wwdHd`dJim Davis@a few small improvements to emacs for editing HTM ddd  xxddd(SooJeong Shinhelp dHdXdh  yyddd Thomas P. Copley0A List of Embot-Accessible Files ddd  {{d8dXd Carlos Miguel Paraz0Finding CGI spec--hoohoo doesn't work! ddd  ||ddd8Nick Arnett8Searchable Web info (was Finding CGI spec...) |dXdpdCyberWeb@Re: Searchable Web info (was Finding CGI spec...) |dd d P Searchable Web info (was Finding CGI spec...) |d pd d Nick Arnett@Re: Searchable Web info (was Finding CGI spec...) |d d!d!`Nick Arnett@Re: Searchable Web info (was Finding CGI spec...) d!d!d!  }}d!d!d" Carlos Miguel Paraz(Batched HTML/HTTP Transfer d"(d"8d"H  ~~d"hd"d"Rob Hartill(escaped characters, uppercase ? ~d"d"d# Rick Troth0Re: escaped characters, uppercase ? ~d#@d#Xd#Roy T. Fielding0Re: escaped characters, uppercase ? d#d#d#  d#d$d$8 Online tutorials d$Xd$pd$Paul Williams Re: Online tutorials d$d$d% Re: Online tutorials d%0d%@d%P  d%pd%d%( GIF with JPEG in any HTML standard. d%d&d&  d&8d&Xd&x Kurt Westh Nielsen Web conferencing d&d&d&  d&d&d'0Kee Hinckley@Re: The GIF format as intellectual property (fwd) d'Pd'`d'p  d'd'd'Kevin Altis0Browser Checkup alpha announcement d'd(d(  d(8d(Xd( neuss@igd.fhg.de0GIF announcement from CompuServe d(d(d) Adrian John Howard0Re: GIF announcement from CompuServe d)(d)@d)Adam T. McClure0Re: GIF announcement from CompuServe d)d)d)Tim Trautmann0Re: GIF announcement from CompuServe d*d*8d*x Adrian John Howard0Re: GIF announcement from CompuServe d*d*d*Tim Trautmann0Re: GIF announcement from CompuServe d+d+(d+hAdam T. McClure0Re: GIF announcement from CompuServe d+d+d+  d+d+d,Nick Arnett(Embedded search agents in URLs d,(d,8d,H  d,hd,d,CVR Murthy(Firewall Servers? Info wanted.. d,d,d,  d-d-(d-H Peter Imants Buttuls Home Page Default d-hd-d-Jeff Porter Re: Home Page Default d-d-d.Jeff Porter Re: Home Page Default d.8d.Hd.X  d.xd.d.0Red CubaNet / Sergio Romero Torrado(no subject) d.d.d/  d/ d/8d/xRoger Debreceny@AusWeb95 - Update on the 1st Australian WWW Conference d/d/d/  d/d/d0David Parker(Where to announce new web-pages d08d0Hd0X  d0xd0d0 Phillip M. Hallam-Baker0Re: CompuServe Takes GIF Proprietary d0d0d1  d1(d1Hd1 Gintaras Richard Gircys8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property d1d1d1  d1d1d20Donna Hoffman8New Research Paper on Web Marketing Available d2Pd2`d2p  d2d2d2lilley@Re: The GIF format as intellectual property (fwd) d3d3d3   d3@d3Xd3Kee Hinckley@Re: The GIF format as intellectual property (fwd) d3d3d3  d3d4d48 Daniel LaLiberte Web conferencing d4Xd4xd4 Brian Behlendorf Re: Web conferencing d4d4d5Rob Hartill Re: Web conferencing d50d5Hd5xPaul Burchard Re: Web conferencing d5d5d5John C. Mallery Re: Web conferencing d6d6d6HLarry Masinter Re: Web conferencing d6hd6d6Lou Montulli Re: Web conferencing d6d6d7 Daniel LaLiberte Re: Web conferencing d7@d7Xd7Paul Everitt Re: Web conferencing d7d7d7Larry Masinter Re: Web conferencing d8d80d8` Daniel LaLiberte Re: Web conferencing d8d8d8Paul Burchard Re: Web conferencing d8d9d90John C. Mallery Re: Web conferencing d9Pd9`d9p  d9d9d9 Robert Litchfield8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property d:d:d:(  d:Hd:hd: Daniel W. Connolly0No More Passwords In The Clear in HTTP! d:d:d:  d:d;d;8Roy T. Fielding(Re: CompuServe GIF Agreement d;Xd;hd;x  d;d;d;Harold Frydman@Re: The GIF format as intellectual property (fwd) d<d< d<0  d(Ross, Phil W [BB]0FYI - Unisys press release of 95 JAN 060d>8d>Hd>X  d>xd>d> Brian Behlendorf8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property d>d?d?  d?0d?Hd?David Koblas8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property d?d?d?  d?d?d@0Tim Trautmann8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property d@Pd@`d@p  d@d@d@0cc#c#Mail-Gateway@nola.mcdermott.com0Message Undeliverable to cc:Mail dAdA dA0  dAPdAhdAMike Emke0RE: GIF announcement from CompuServe dAdAdA  dAdBdBP Nathan Torkington8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property dBpdBdB  dBdBdCRobert S. Thau8GIF replacement action from dC dC0dC@  dC`dCxdCEric Bina8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property dCdCdC  dDdD(dD`Paul Phillips8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property dDdDdD  dDdDdE Nassib NassarHCNIDR Announces Isite v1.00 Integrated Information System dE@dEPdE`  dEdEdEMarc Andreessen8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property dEdFdF  dF0dFPdF sterling@gulf.netH dFdFdF  dFdGdG(Larry Masinternews: vs nntp: dGHdGXdGh  dGdGdGBill Allocca Automatic Page Updates dGdGdH  dH dH8dHhDarren New0RE: GIF announcement from CompuServe dHdHdH  dHdHdI Robert Litchfield8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property dI@dIPdI`  dIdIdIEric W. Sink8Proposed new authentication scheme for HTTP dIdJdJ  dJ0dJHdJEric W. Sink8Proposed new authentication scheme for HTTP dJdJdJ  dJdJdK0Marc Salomon8Re: The GIF format as intellectual property dKPdK`dKp  dKdKdK0jjjones - SIO Technologies Corp.(Expires header object question dLdLdL(  dLHdL`dLxCho Hyeon Sung(no subject) dLdLdL  dLdLdM John D. Lewis0PD Web client routines for Perl? dM@dMXdMRoy T. Fielding0Re: PD Web client routines for Perl? dMdMdM  dMdNdN@Eric Laverdiere0Web Servers in Montreal, Canada. dN`dNpdN  dNdNdN Hugh Secker-Walker Truly interactive HTML dOdO dOX Russel Kipp Jones(Re: Truly interactive HTML dOxdOdO  dOdOdP Daniel W. Connolly0Anybody actually using www_and_frame? dP(dP@dPTim Trautmann8Re: Anybody actually using www_and_frame? dPdPdQEarl Hood8Re: Anybody actually using www_and_frame? dQ(dQ8dQH  dQhdQdQAnoosh Hosseini0question on .multi (CERN server) dQdQdQ  dRdR0dRX Carlos Miguel Paraz(Batched HTML/HTTP Transfer dRxdRdR  dRdRdRBirks Elizabeth(WWW general information request dSdS(dS8  dSXdSpdSWalter Houser(FEATURES IN VERSION 2 ALPHA 8 dSdSdS  dSdTdT@ Hugh Secker-Walker(WWW general information request dT`dTxdTKen Sall0Re: WWW general information request dTdTdU0Cecilia Farell0Re: WWW general information request dUPdU`dUp  dUdUdUNick Arnett@More searchers (was WWW general information request) dVdVdVplilleyHRe: More searchers (was WWW general information request) dVdVdWNick ArnettHRe: More searchers (was WWW general information request) dW dW0dW@  dW`dWxdWBill Allocca Automatic Page Updates dWdWdXMark J Cox(Re: Automatic Page Updates dX(dX@dXxHiroaki IKEDA(Re: Automatic Page Updates dXdXdX Philip Knightbridge(Re: Automatic Page Updates dYdY dYXMarc H.(Re: Automatic Page Updates dYxdYdY Christian Mogensen(Re: Automatic Page Updates dYdZdZH Automatic Page Updates dZhdZdZMarc Salomon(Re: Automatic Page Updates dZdZd[(Paul Phillips(Re: Automatic Page Updates d[Hd[hd[ Frans Stekelenburg(Re: Automatic Page Updates d[d[d\Mark J Cox(Re: Automatic Page Updates d\0d\Pd\ cwilson@spry.com0PROPOSAL: Re: Automatic Page Updates d\d\d\  d\d]d]Svarc JanNovell d]8d]Hd]X  d]xd]d] holzapfe@igd.fhg.dePWWW'95 International Conference: Call for Posters / Demonstrations d^d^d^8 d^Xd^pd^Paul Burchard "Expires" again... d^d^d^  d^d_d_HHarold Frydman@Re: The GIF format as intellectual property (fwd) d_hd_xd_  d_d_d_ Lejariel Laurent Local docs to build a server d`d`d`(  d`Hd`hd` Lejariel Laurent Local(Problem building server daemon d`d`d`  d`dada@ Lejariel Laurent Local0problem compiling the CERN server da`dapda  dadada Daniel Dardailler Embedding of Mime parts dbdbdbPWill Carlton(Re: Embedding of Mime parts dbpdbdb  dbdbdbThe Poormansubscribe dcdcdc   dc@dcXdcLuke Y. Lu@message format of mouse actions (plus an Easter egg) dcdcdd(Paul BurchardHRe: message format of mouse actions (plus an Easter egg) ddHddXddh  dddddd for Japanese Art Infomaiton on the Internet dedede(  deHde`deCecilia Farell Saving inlined images dede   WWW Talk Oct 94-present: Re: No More Passwords In The Clear in HTTP!

Re: No More Passwords In The Clear in HTTP!

Daniel W. Connolly (
Tue, 10 Jan 1995 04:41:47 +0100

In message <>, Jon E. Mittelhauser writes:
>This proposal utilizes RSA MD5 encryption. If you have this
>capability, why not go all the way to SSL (or SHTTP)? It would
>make much more sense.
>> 2. Use a commercial browser that supports the security
>> options (SHTTP, SSL, kerberos...) supported by the services
>I don't see how this proposal fixes this problem. It requires MD5 which
>will require a license from RSA. How does this not fall into your class
>2 space? As long as I am in that space, I would much prefer a protocol
>which has been widely adopted by the financial community (e.g. SSL).

MD5 technology is very different from the patented public key encyption.
It's just a secure hash function. There are others -- SHS, MD4, etc.

Anyway... the md5 source code is all over the place. There's an md5
module in the Python distribution, so I'm pretty sure there are no
prohobitive licensing restrictions.
