The City Hospital
Hospital Management System (HMS) Requirements
(Subject to further change)
This is an informal specification of what we as hospital administrators
want from the company designing a system to help us manage our
hospital efficiently and effectively.
General Problem Statement
Due to budget cutbacks and general concern for providing the best
service possible to the public, we as a hospital would like to
ensure that we are using our scarce hospital resources in the
most efficient manner possible. With this in mind we would like
you to design a system which will help us manage our hospital
in an efficient, effective manner. Specifically the system should
help us schedule and monitor the various resources that we have
at the hospital. This includes keeping track of available beds,
waiting lists for patients, patients expected length of stay,
scheduling of surgeries, patient notification and billing, scheduling
of nurses and doctors.
Information Required
The HMS must keep track of certain pieces of information required
for operation of the hospital. Namely:
Physical Layout of Hospital
The following information provides a more detailed breakdown
of how our hospital is organized. The main hospital consists of
one building with 8 floors. There are 8 wards which occupy various
floors of the hospital. Each of the wards has certain # of beds
for patients of that ward.
- Admit/Emergency - floor 1 - 50 rooms
- Operating - floor 2 - 20 rooms
- Geriatrics - floor 3 - 50 rooms
- Recovery - floor 4 - 100 rooms
- Intensive Care - floor 5 - 50 rooms
- Cardiology - floor 6 - 50 rooms
- Obstetrics - floor 7 - 50 rooms
- Pediatrics - floor 8 - 50 rooms
So the following information is needed:
For the Wards
- Floor ward located on.
- Type of ward (from types above)
- Ward size ( = to number of rooms)
- Names of doctors assigned to ward
- Names of nurses assigned to ward
For each room
- Room # (Must be unique for every room)
- State of room (occupied/available)
- Name of patient assigned to room
- Assignment date
- Expected date of release
Hospital Staff
The hospital staff is composed of doctors and nurses. Each
of whom have a specialty in a certain field (same as ward types).
The hospital staff also have schedules at the hospital.
Information common to all hospital staff:
- Name (Last Name, First Name)
- Address (Full Address, including city, province/state, country)
- Phone (Area code, Number)
- Staff number (9 digit number) (for payroll purposes)
- Schedule to work:(which consists of the following entries)
- Date to work. (Month/Day/Year)
- Hour to start working (In military format e.g. 24:00)
- Hour to end working (In military format e.g. 24:00)
- Ward in which to work
In addition, nurses also have the following information:
- Level ( Supervising, Regular)
- Specialty (Cardiology, Pediatrics...)
- Operating schedule ( Note: all operations take place in the
operating ward.)
- Date to work. (Month / Day / Year)
- Hour to start working (In military format e.g. 24:00)
- Expected hour to end shift (In military format e.g. 24:00)
- Type of operation
- Room # (to operate in)
- Patient(s) to operate on.
In addition, doctors also have the following information:
- Specialty (Cardiology, Pediatrics...)
- Operating schedule (Note: all operations are in operating
- Date to work. (Month/Day/Year)
- Hour to start working (In military format e.g. 24:00)
- Expected time of end of shift (In military format e.g. 24:00)
- Type of operation
- Room # (to operate in)
- Patient(s) to operate on
Patient Information
The system should also be able to keep track of certain patient
Information common to all patients:
- Name (Last Name, First Name)
- Address (Full Address, including city, province/state, country)
- Phone (area code, local phone #)
- Insurance number (SIN, whatever it is in the states)
- Category (Emergency/Non-emergency)
- Type of treatment required (For simplicity, same as ward types).
For patients on a waiting list:
- Position on waiting list
- Priority(1...n)
- Date (when put on waiting list)
For patients in a room:
- Room #
- Date started in room.
- Date expected to leave.
Maintenance and Operations on Information
The following are operations performed on the previous information.
As well, as on retrieval of information.
- Must schedule hospital staff according to the following rules:
- Staff must not work too many consecutive shifts.
- Staff cannot be off work for too many consecutive shifts.
- One supervising nurse must be present for each ward at all
times and that supervising nurse must have specialty of that ward.
- During the day each ward must have 5 regular nurses of which
3 must have specialty of that ward. As well 2 doctors of that
specialty must be present.
- During the night each ward must have 2 regular nurses of which
1 must have specialty of that ward. As well 1 doctor of that specialty.
- Staff cannot be scheduled to work a ward and operate at the
same time.
- For the operations and operating schedule
- 2 doctors of appropriate specialty of operation must be present.
- 2 nurses of appropriate specialty of operation must be present.
- Manage the waiting list:
- Must be able to add patients to the waiting list
- Must be able to take patients off the waiting list:
- For those who got spontaneously better just remove from list
- For those who got a room, transfer patient information to
- As patients removed from waiting list, positions must be updated
as follows the priority of the patient is how many positions the
patient moves in the list.
- Add and remove hospital staff:
- Note this may mean altering the schedule for every other staff
member who is working.
- Changing any detail of a patient or staff member.
Retrieval of Information
The following must be able to be quickly retrieved from system:
- Complete individual information for patients, doctors and
- Be able to extract lists of:
- Waiting list (all of it)
- Nurses/doctors according to ward number, date, level, and
- Patients according to ward(which they occupy), date of entry
in hospital, and expected date of departure.
- Rooms according to status and/or ward.
- System must generate a notification of admittance to patient
on waiting list 2 weeks before date of admittance. Note: the notice
of admit. states:
- date of admittance
- Ward of admittance
- Floor of ward
- Room # of admittance
- System must generate an invoice when a patient leaves. Note:
Invoice contains following information:
- date of admittance
- Date of departure
- Total length of stay
- Ward stayed in
- Room #