Answers to Customer Questions regarding Formal Specification

Questions are grouped according to Section

Formal Specification Summary

1.Information on Library Books

Customer: one more attribute- type of book

Supplier: Please refer to Overall design document -> Data Store Descriptions -> Book data store.

Customer: For the duration, we want to be able to change it manually by type of book.

Supplier: Yes, function has been implemented.

Customer: We should be able to adjust the fine manually for each book.

Supplier: Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Book functions.

User Interaction

Customer: the package used to implement the system is not our concern, we are only interested in a functional system.

Supplier: Yes, but if the program needs to be extended in the future, we think you odd to have an idea of what platform the program runs on and whether the the package used to implement the system is still fully supported by its software company.

Book Administration Functions

Add a New Book

Customer: Since each book has a unique call number, we do not need a copy number & volume number. In other words, EACH COPY of a book will have a different call number.

Supplier: Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Book Functions -> Add a New Book.

Customer: The system should NOT generated the call number, the librarian will input it manually.

Supplier: Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Book Functions -> Add a New Book.

Customer: One more error should be considered - call number already exists (Since call numbers become one of the input).

Supplier: This has been added to the list of error handling procedures. Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Book Functions -> Add a New Book -> Error Handling.

Update a Book

Customer: We don't need this, we want to be able to change book information even if the book is out.

Supplier: Okay, this has been taken out. Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Book Functions -> Update a Book -> Error-Handling

Search for a Book

Customer: If there is no exact match, the closest matched item(s) should be shown.

Supplier: Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Book Functions -> Search for a Book -> Interface Definitions.

Customer: These seem to be the same condition.

Supplier: Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Book Functions -> Search for a Book -> Error Handling.

Report On Status of All Books

Customer: For books on hold, we want to determine if the book is in the library or not. If the book is recalled and in the library, it is on "hold". If the book is recalled but has not been returned, it is on "recall".

Supplier: Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Book Functions -> Report On Status of All Books -> Interface definitions -> Search Parameters.

Customer: We want to choose between viewing the report on screen and printing the report on paper.

Supplier: Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Book Functions -> Report On Status of All Books -> Interface definitions -> outputs.

Borrower Administration Functions

Search for a Borrower Record

Customer: A stripped down view means only the borrower's name, ID, and outstanding fines will be displayed.

Supplier: A radio button with the options "short" and "long", indicating the level of detail displayed for each match.

Updating a Borrower

Customer: The output should be just the updated borrower inforamtion and confirmation message.

Supplier: A confimation message should be all that's needed. We don't want to clutter the screen with unneccessary information.

Customer: Change of borrower ID should also considered as error. In other words, borrower ID should not be changed after assigned to a borrower.

Supplier: Feature has been added. Please refer to Library System Overall Design -> Update a Borrower -> Error handling.

Removing a Borrower

Customer: Stripped down information about the borrower going to be removed, should be displayed so that the librarian knows who they are wiping out.

Supplier: We think the only information needed to be displayed is the name and ID of the borrower. This feature will be incorporated into our design.

Circulation Transaction Functions

Report on Fines

Customer: Borrower's ID should be one of the inputs.

Supplier: There are no inputs to this module. The module report on fines is a sub module of the "library transaction" module. It is called from the first level of the Nexus booklenders software to let the librarian have some control of the fine data store. The call is done by a simple request at the top level with the click on a button using a mouse.

Management Plan

Data Structures and Algorithms

Customer: We would like multiple subjects to choose from.

Supplier: Please refer to Data Store Descriptions -> Book Data Store.

Customer: This should be a mailing address. We need a postal code here.

Supplier: Please refer to Data Store Descriptions -> Borrower Data Store.

Customer: Are you going to give us the system we asked for or not? We state in our informal specification that our library consists of about 1 millions books. Can you build a system to handle this or not? We want a system that will work.

Supplier: With the advancement of computer technology each day, we forsee no future complications in customizing the system to handle well over 1 million books.

Customer: The "fine per day overdue" and "circulation period" of a book should be changed manually - this is stated in our informal specification. This means a librarian can change the fine per day or circulation period if she wants to. Please see our specifications.

Supplier: This has been put into the design document.

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