Add a New Book

Add a New Book


Steps to Use
  1. The user needs to select the Book Administration option from the main screen. This option will bring the user to the sub-screen.
  2. In the sub-screen, user can then select Add a Book option. This option will allow the user to add a book into the database.
  3. Inside Add a Book sub-screen, user can then type in the information of the book into the system. The following information is required :
    • Call Number : 8 digits numbers ( e.g. "12345678" )
    • Title : characters
    • Author : characters
    • Subject : characters
    • Publisher : characters
    • Fee : numbers ( e.g. "1:00" )
    • Location : alpha-numeric ( e.g. "2nd floor, LB" )
    • Publishing Date : DD-MM-YYYY ( e.g. "18-03-1996" )
    • Cost of Book : numbers ( e.g. "80:00" )
    • Type of Book : characters
    • Description : max. 250 characters
  4. After finished entering all the information for a book, user can then select the Add a Book button at the bottom of the screen to update the database.
  5. If user decided not to add anymore book, he/she can choose the cancel button at the end of the screen. This will bring the user back to the main manual.

If a user wants to add in a book call "Programming in C" by John Smith which cost $70 to purchase and it is published by Collins Publisher in February 18, 1992. Below are the information he/she has to type in:

Error Messages

Error messages will appear if the following condition occur:

  1. Call Number field is left blank
    • Message : Call Number field must not be empty
    • User is then required to type in a call number for the book he/she wants to add into the system.
  2. Call Number for a new book already exist in the system. Since call number of a book is unique, a duplicate call number is not allow in the system.
    • error message : Call number already in system. Please enter another call number
    • OK
    • User is then required to typed in a new call number.
  3. If any of the other fields are left empty, the following error message will appear:
    • For example, if Title field is left empty,
    • Error message : The Title field is empty, continue anyway?
    • Yes No
    • The same error message will appear for other field with the change of the field name if it is left empty .
    • If the user choose Yes, he/she can proceed to the next filed. If the user choose No, he/she can then enter information into the field.


  1. User has to typed in a new Call Number for every new book he/she added into the database.
  2. Call Number field cannot be left empty.
  3. Information entered must be in the format required by the system. e.g. Call Number field only accept 8 digit numbers, if the format is wrong, the error message will appear.

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