Search for a Borrower

Search for a Borrower


This sub-module allows user to search for a borrower in the library database.

Steps to Use

  1. User needs to select the Borrower Administration option from the main module. This option will bring the user to the sub-module.
  2. In the sub-module, user can then select Search for a Borrower option. This option will allow the user to search for a borrower in the database.
  3. Inside the Search for a borrower sub-module, a user can then type in the information of the borrower he/she wants to search for. Any combination of fields can be entered, with more fields filled in resulting in less matches. Entering the Borrower ID will generate one unique match.
  4. The user is only required to enter one of the above fields to search for a borrower. If the field matches a borrower in the database, the full or short information listing will appear in the box below. If multiple fields are entered, then only borrowers matching all the fields are displayed.


Suppose a librarian wants to search for a borrower named Khyron Overlord. We assume that Khyron exists in the database. Now, if you were to enter Khyron in the First Name field, all borrowers with Khyron as their first name would appear in the listing box. Suppose there were several. You could eliminate some of them by entering Overlord in the Last Name field. If there still were multiple borrowers, you could continue entering different fields until you get a unique match. At any time, you can select a borrower from the listing.

Since Borrower ID's are unique, entering an ID should result in only one match.

Error Messages

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