Lend a Book

Lend Book


How to use?

  1. Go to the Transaction menu and select Lend a Book.
  2. You will presented with a window titled "Lend a Book".
  3. Type in the user identification number at the dialog box presented.
  4. Type in a book id number at the corresponding dialog box.
  5. Simply click on button "Lend Book" and the book id will appear on a list to the right.
  6. If an incorrect book number is entered, simply click on "Clear List" and the book to sign out will disappear. You can go on to enter a different book id number at the dialog box.
  7. If the book number is correct, simply click on "OK" to update the record to the database.

Example Tasks

A patron comes in with a book. She wants to borrow the book with an id number of 11111111. Ask for her id card and type/scan in the corresponding user id. Type/scan in 11111111 at the book id dialog box. Then click on "Lend Book", also make sure that the correct number appears on the right in a box. Simply click on "OK" to complete the job.

Error messages

Text: "Invalid borrower ID. Please reenter"

Cause: An incorrect borrower ID is entered at the dialog box.

Fix: Use the backspace key to edit the number and press enter again.

Text: "Invalid Book call number. Please reenter another"

Cause: An incorrect book ID is entered at the dialog box.

Fix: See above.


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