Add a New Book

Add a New Book

To add a new book to the library database system the librarian must access this function through the book administration option and from there select from the pull down menu to add a new book. The following information will be required for a book to be added to the database:

Inputs by user:


"Adding book to database."

"Proceed with addition?"

Data Abstractions:


Environment: GUI (graphical user interface)

Interface: Pop-up window. (See picture files for a view.)

Every item from Data Abstraction will be entered in it's own text-box.
These text-boxes will allow strings larger than the text-box size to be entered.
The update will be a batch process. i.e. none of the new information entered will be updated until the update-Borrower button/key is activated.

When the button/key is entered certain items will be checked for syntactical errors (for errors see ERROR HANDLING).

Completion of this module is performed by:

  1. Pressing Cancel - in which case no update is performed.
    • Window is closed.
  2. Pressing Update - syntactical error checking is done.
    • Confirmation Window is popped up.

At Confirmation Window:

  1. Pressing Cancel - no update is performed.
    • Confirmation Window is closed.
  2. Pressing Update - updates information.
    • Confirmation Window is closed.
    • Update window is closed.
    • It will be possible to for user to interrupt this module and do something else. But the system cannot close without explicitly completing this module.



  1. Primary keys are not filled in.
  2. Syntax error on the date, cost, type or status.
  3. Use of an already existing call number.

Whenever an error occurs the user will be prompted by a message specifying what input is wrong. It will then allow the user to either make corrections and recommit the book or cancel the entire process.



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