Add a New Book
To add a new book to the library database system the librarian must access this function through the book administration option and from there select from the pull down menu to add a new book. The following information will be required for a book to be added to the database:
Inputs by user:
"Adding book to database."
"Proceed with addition?"
Data Abstractions:
Environment: GUI (graphical user interface)
Interface: Pop-up window. (See picture files for
a view.)
Every item from Data Abstraction will be entered
in it's own text-box.
These text-boxes will allow strings larger than the text-box size
to be entered.
The update will be a batch process. i.e. none of the new information
entered will be updated until the update-Borrower button/key is
When the button/key is entered certain items will
be checked for syntactical errors (for errors see ERROR HANDLING).
Completion of this module is performed by:
At Confirmation Window:
Whenever an error occurs the user will be prompted
by a message specifying what input is wrong. It will then allow
the user to either make corrections and recommit the book or cancel
the entire process.